Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jo Youngmin Facts

Posted by Soo Yeon Kim at 2:30 AM
To You Who Loves Him ^^ 

01. The part of the body that he likes the most is his eyes.

02. He hates mushrooms very much.

03. His favorite food is pasta.

04. His favorite colours are black and yellow.

05. He scares of going to toilet at night.

06. Animal that has the same personality like him is Golden Retriever.

07. Before he goes to bed he always listen to music.

08. The first thing that he does after wake up in the morning is brush his teeth. 

09. The thing that must be in his bag is first-aid-kit.

10. His idol is Jang Jinyoung.

11. His bad behavior is he can’t be patient.

12. The song he often hear is Brown Eyed Soul’s songs.

13. His favorite film is A Bittersweet Life (Dalkomhan Insaeng).

14. Youngmin has larger eyes than Kwangmin.

15. His favorite member out of Boyfriend is Donghyun.

16. Youngmin is bad at drawing or painting.

17. When he really nervous, he can’t speak well.

18. Donghyun said that Youngmin is a member that often come late.

19. He is a sensitive person. He often cry when the other members cry.

20. Jeongmin said that Youngmin is the most annoying member, but Youngmin said that Jeongmin is the troublemaker.

21. Youngmin likes cat much.

22. In a talkshow, Kwangmin said that he can’t met his family and he missed them so much, then Youngmin shouted, “But, I also your family!”

23. Youngmin likes Winnie the Pooh.

24. Together with Kwangmin, Youngmin has showed in 300 advertisement before their debut.

25. Waking up Youngmin is so hard. He still close his eyes even when he stands.

26. If he wanna get something, he will concentrate to get that thing.

27. Youngmin likes rolling on his bed, while Hyunseong and Kwangmin trying to wake him up.

28. Youngmin wants to be the type of boyfriend that serious in serious situation and funny in fun situation.

29. He wants to sing to his girlfriend after give her a bucket of flowers.

30. Youngmin’s girlfriend is camera.

31. For Donghyun, the one that fit to be the leader is Youngmin, but for Youngmin, Minwoo should be the leader.
32. When Youngmin plays piano, he only use his index finger.

33. Youngmin really scare of firecracker.

34. This how Youngmin confess his love, “I will be honest as a man. Let’s date! Will you be my girlfriend?”

35. Youngmin can’t make any jokes.

36. He ever acted as a Cinderella when he was an elementary student, and there’s a boy that confess his love to Youngmin, because the boy thought Youngmin is a girl.

37. Youngmin has a pink umbrella with laces and white polcadot pattern.

38. Youngmin ever can’t turn off a shower. He is very panic, but the shower can turn off automatically. He even remember how long the shower on.

39. He ever ate the material to make Hyunseong’s birthday cake covertly.

40. Youngmin bad at playing games.

41. ”We will feel bad if our fans must wait at the edge of road in bad wheater, it hurts our heart”, said Youngmin.

42. Youngmin not good at playing basketball.

43. He always wash his hands when he’s stress or nervous.

44. Before debut through Starship Entertaiment, he was a trainee at JYP for two years.

45. “When we sing to our fans, we felt like we’re confess our feeling to person that we love,” said Youngmin..

44. Youngmin heights at elementary school was 140 cm. But, now in 17 years old, his height is 180 cm.
45. He likes to priding himself, but when he’s angry, he is so scary.
46. Once Youngmin gets something that he wants, he become hyperactive.
47. The most talkative member is Youngmin.

48. Youngmin likes Taeyeon SNSD.

49. Youngmin wants to celebrate christmas with Sunye Wonder Girls.

50. Youngmin confused about his twins, Kwangmin that always hyperactive, whereas he’s too tired to move.


Unknown said...

i think this data is old.. can you please upload more about youngmin...i love to read about him..

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